
Top Orthodontist in Sharjah

Correct Misaligned Teeth

It’s never too late to achieve a beautiful straight smile. Whether you had braces in your teens and the teeth have shifted back or you never had a chance to fix them. We offer the full range of brace options to suit your needs. Our Orthodontic specialists will carefully assess your smile and provide a long-term plan to craft your new smile – be it invisalign treatment or dental braces, your treatment plan will be customised specifically for you and your smile.

Dental Braces

We love helping people achieve their smile goals. Especially when it comes to misaligned bites or speech improvement, we provide a variety of treatments that can help straighten the teeth. There are several different types of dental braces that may be recommended to improve alignment based on your preference. Alignment of teeth can also protect you from gum diseases, cavities and injuries.

You can choose your preferred braces from the following:

Smiling Girl with dental braces, undergoing orthodontic treatment for teeth alignment at Rekhas dental Care
Patient holding custom made dental clear aligners in her hands, ready for orthodontic treatment at Rekha's dental care

Clear Aligners

Clear aligners are a viable option for people who don’t want to deal with the hassles, discomfort, and time commitments associated with traditional braces. Our Orthodontists in Sharjah use highly effective, 3D imaging to plan your treatment & provide you with custom-made aligners that have to be worn for 20 to 22 hours a day, allowing you to gradually achieve the ideal teeth positioning.

Let's talk about your first visit

Smile Evaluation

Our orthodontist will perform X-rays of your teeth to determine the best treatment.

Treatment Plan

Our ortho specialists will work with you to devise your personalised treatment plan

Fitting the Installations

Once the dentist fits you with a brace or an aligner, your journey to a perfect smile begins

Procedure Follow Up

We do monthly follow-ups to ensure that your smile is on its way to perfection

Why Rekha's for Orthodontics?

Hassle Free Visits

Book appointments, fill out patient forms, and make payments with ease.

Flexible Payment Options

We offer flexible payment options to make your alignment journey more convenient.

Anxiety Free Spaces

The very best dental care is only possible with the very best people. Our front desk, dental specialists, and support team ensures a treatment plan that’s personalised to each individual’s needs.

Technology for Comfort

Our digital dentistry workflow leverages ultramodern equipment to give you only the best results.

Aftercare Guidance

Our team will make sure to advise you on the aftercare so that you can make a quick recovery.

Meet Our Orthodontist

Handled by, Dr. Ashwin

Specialist Orthodontist Dr Ashwin at Rekha's dental care
Meet Our Orthodontist

Handled by, Dr. Ashwin

Dr. Ashwin is a Specialist Orthodontist and certified Invisalign provider with more than a decade of experience. He uses a variety of appliances – regular metal braces, damon braces, clear aligners and Invisalign to treat various malocclusions in kids, teens in adults

A kid waiting for the dental appointment at Rekha's dental care
Get your bright smile and have healthy gums at Rekhas
Dental Veeners for happy smile at Rekhas Dental Care
A Happy kid waiting for Peadiatric Dental clinic appointment at Rekhas dental Care
Rated 4.7 on Google

Frequently Asked

If you want to improve the look and feel of your smile, then any age can be a great time to see the orthodontist. Teenage years and early adulthood is considered to be the ideal period for orthodontic treatments as the teeth tend to respond more quickly to pressure.
Treatment lengths vary from person to person, but typically people wear braces for 12 to 24 months. The amount of time you wear braces will also depend on your treatment needs.

Clear Aligners are a series of transparent trays made of special material which are used to straighten teeth just like braces. They use gentle and constant force to move the teeth in the required position without going through the hassles of metal wires and brackets. They are custom made for each patient through a digital scan.

Braces do not often hurt, though you may feel a small amount of discomfort for a couple days as your teeth, gums, cheeks, and mouth get used to your new braces.

With braces, you should brush your teeth at least three times a day to keep your teeth, gums, and mouth healthy and clean. Brushing & flossing regularly will help remove any food that may be caught between your braces.

Patient happy with Root Canal treatment done at Rekhas dental care

Embrace Your Smile Confidently

Book an appointment with our gum specialist.