

Prevention-first for Perio

Here at Rekha’s we follow a prevention first approach for gum diseases, this is why regular dental checkups are important! Our Periodontist will assess your gum health and create a treatment plan using the most modern tools and comfortable facilities.

While many people associate bleeding gums with gum disease, it’s more common that as gum disease begins there are no warning signs at all. If left untreated this can compromise your body’s overall health.

Let’s talk about your Periodontist Visit.

Gum Health Evaluation

Our hygenist will perform a comprehensive examination to analyse your gum health.

Treatment Plan

Our periodontist will work with you to devise your personalised treatment plan.

Healthy Restoration

Your gum treatment procedure begins, and is finished step-by-step for the best results.

Procedure Follow Up

Our team will get in touch with you to ensure you’re happy with the results.

General Periodontics

Scaling and Root Planing involves a deep-cleaning procedure that removes plaque and bacteria from under your teeth and gums.

Gingivitis is a fairly common infection that begins with the bacterial accumulation in the mouth. The buildup of plaque causes gums to become red and swollen and bleed easily. It is often a result of poor oral hygiene, inadequate nutrition and some other medical conditions.

Our gum specialist utilises minimally invasive surgical procedures and microsurgeries using advanced laser equipment.

removing plaque and bacteria from under the teeth and gums
Before and after picture of Laser Gum Depigmentation

Cosmetic Periodontics

We use cutting-edge laser technology to quickly and effectively remove unwanted pigmentation, leaving you with a bright smile.
If you have developed excess gum tissue, you can get your smile back through our permanent Laser Gummy Smile treatment.

Why Rekha's for Periodontics?

Hassle Free Visits

Book appointments, fill out patient forms, and make payments with ease.

Anxiety Free Spaces

Avail our sedation dentistry option to ease into the procedure without stress.

Anxiety Free Spaces

At Rekha's Dental Care you could get your dental scans done in no time. We make sure that you have a good experience with us.

Technology for Comfort

Our digital dentistry workflow leverages ultramodern equipment to give you only the best results.

Aftercare Guidance

Our team will make sure to advise you on the aftercare so that you can make a quick recovery.


Handled by, Dr. Safat

Meet Dr Safat Sadiq - expertise in Laser Gum Therapy, Gummy Smile Correction, Laser Gum Depigmentation, Frenectomy, and Laser Gingivectomy at Rekhas dental Care

Handled by, Dr. Safat

She is your friendly gum surgeon. Her expertise falls in the following areas: Laser Gum Therapy, Gummy Smile Correction, Laser Gum Depigmentation, Frenectomy, and Laser Gingivectomy. Dr. Safat Sadiq is passionate about dentistry and believes that good oral care is key to holistic health.

A kid waiting for the dental appointment at Rekha's dental care
A patient waiting for root canal treatment at Rekhas dental care, Sharjah
Dental Veeners for happy smile at Rekhas Dental Care
A Happy kid waiting for Peadiatric Dental clinic appointment at Rekhas dental Care
Rated 4.7 on Google

Frequently Asked

The best way to prevent periodontal disease is to take good care of your teeth and gums at home. Brush your teeth after every meal and before bedtime, floss at least once each day, and visit your periodontist for regular exams twice a year.

Swollen or bleeding gums, bad breath, receding gums, increasing spaces between teeth can all be symptoms of gum disease.


Regular examinations are very important for monitoring the condition of your disease. Depending on the severity of your periodontal disease, our gum specialist will develop a treatment plan for you.

Patient happy with Root Canal treatment done at Rekhas dental care

Look Great, Smile Healthy.

Book an appointment with our gum specialist.