

Why Teeth Whitening

Unfortunately, stained teeth can make you look and feel older and less confident. We offer powerful professional teeth whitening treatments here at Rekha’s. Choose a plan that suits you best. A whiter, brighter smile can make you look and feel your best. Whitening treatments can: remove surface stains from your teeth, brighten your smile without causing sensitivity and create a natural, confident smile.

Zoom Teeth Whitening

Get up to 8 shades whiter teeth in 45 minutes. Zoom teeth whitening is your go-to treatment for brighter, shinier teeth. The treatment is gentle and uses a LED light-activated gel, so you’ll experience little to no sensitivity during or after the procedure. 

Zoom Teeth Whitening procedure

Home Teeth Whitening?

Achieve the bright, white smile you’ve always wanted with our easy-to-use DIY home teeth whitening treatment. Although we recommend visiting your dentist beforehand to ensure you are dentally fit and healthy for the service. We’ll provide you with whitening gels and a custom fitted whitening tray to carry out the procedure at home, and you can expect to see results within one week of the treatment.

What is the procedure for Zoom Whitening?


Our dentist will place a covering over your gums and lips so that only the teeth would be visible.


A layer of whitening gel is applied on your teeth and the Zoom lamp is set in place for 15 minutes.


The procedure is repeated thrice, with a progress check between each session by the dentist.

Touch Up

We’ll provide whitening toothpaste and a custom-fitted set of whitening trays for future use.

Why Rekha’s for Teeth Whitening?

Premium Experience

We understand the confidence a great smile can bring & takes utmost care to give you the best experience. From valet parking to welcoming interiors we’ve given new meaning to what it means to visit your dentis

A Reliable Team

The very best dental care is only possible with the very best people. Our front desk, dental specialists, and support team ensures a treatment plan that’s personalised to each individual’s needs.

A Reliable Team

Book appointments, fill out patient forms, and make payments with ease.

Technology for Comfort

You may not be as excited as we are about our 3D x-rays & CEREC machine, but you’ll feel the difference through the whole process. We offer sedation dentistry to help our patients be at ease during procedures too!

Care for the Whole Family

All the care your family needs under one roof. From your infant’s first dental exam, your family’s annual dental appointments to teeth whitening before your wedding day – we've got you covered.

A kid waiting for the dental appointment at Rekha's dental care
A patient waiting for a smile makeover at Rekhas dental care
Dental Veeners for happy smile at Rekhas Dental Care
A Happy kid waiting for Peadiatric Dental clinic appointment at Rekhas dental Care
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Frequently Asked

The results of whitening differ depending on the type of stains and the individual. In contrast to grey stains, yellowish-brown stains typically respond better to teeth whitening.
Plaque and tartar-free teeth respond best to teeth whitening procedures. Maintaining regular dental cleanings is crucial for your health and will help your teeth whiten as effectively as possible.

Maintain good oral hygiene – brush your teeth twice a day and floss once daily using a fluoride toothpaste. Get your teeth cleaned every 6 months to maintain the white colour of your teeth. Avoid acidic and dark-coloured foods and beverages.

Teeth whitening is a simple and safe process that uses either hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide to break the stains into smaller pieces without damaging your enamel. This will significantly reduce stains and give you brighter teeth.

Results can last at varying lengths depending on your genes, lifestyle and oral hygiene, but in general, they can last for up to a year. We recommend touching up with take-home whitening trays after each visit to maintain your white and bright smile for longer.

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