

Upgrade Your
Smile with Veneers?

Dental Veneers can work wonders for you. They are thin layers of porcelain used to cover teeth surfaces to enhance and bring out the perfection in your smile.
Veneers can not only correct dental issues such as damaged enamel, stained or cracked teeth, or tooth gaps, but also provide protection for your teeth. At Rekhas, we’re proud to offer the most modern & durable dental veneers in the UAE. we provide the high quality 3D Emax Veneers.

Types of Veneers

There are different types of dental veneers, each with its own unique benefits. Porcelain veneers are stain-resistant and can be made to match the colour of your natural teeth. Composite veneers can be applied in a single visit. Lumineers are porcelain veneers that are ultra-thin and require minimal preparation of the tooth.

No matter which type of dental veneer you choose, you can be sure that your smile will look its best!

Composite veneers are made using a special tooth-coloured resin, which bonds to your teeth to cover the imperfections, and give you a brand new smile. These veneers can be applied in a single visit but it varies case-wise.

Porcelain veneers are a long-term solution to improve your smile. They are made of the highest quality, stain resistant ceramic material that can match the color of your actual tooth for a more natural appearance.

Lumineers, also called “no prep” veneers are a modern alternative to traditional veneers. Made of ultra-thin laminate, these veneers have a shorter application process, and can last up to 10 to 15 years.

If you’re looking to have a pearly white and flawless smile, Hollywood Smile is the way to go. Our premium grade veneers are highly durable and can be made to look just like your natural teeth without any imperfections.

Snap-on Smile is a set of custom-made removable cosmetic teeth that gives you the look of perfect teeth, without the expensive price tag or lengthy treatment time. They are easy to use and can be taken on and off, making them perfect for special occasions and everyday wear.

What is the procedure for getting Veneers?

Initial Consultation & Analysis

Our dentist will work with you to devise your personalised treatment plan by creating digital teeth impressions.

Tooth Mockup

We’ll provide you with a try on mockup, and digitally design your veneer smile.


Tooth preparation is done and final impressions are taken.

Sucessful Placement

After fitting and bonding the veneers, you’ll have the smile you’ve always wanted.

The best dental veneers

Handled by, Dr.Sreeram

Dr. Sreeram is an expertise in the field of Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry at Rekha's Dental Care
The best dental veneers

Handled by, Dr.Sreeram

With more than 10 years of experience Dr. Sreeram’s field of expertise is Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry. That includes smile makeovers, composite fillings, ceramic inlays/onlays, veneers, dentures and dental crowns and bridges.

Why Rekha’s
for Veneers?

Hassle Free Visits

Book appointments, fill out patient forms, and make payments with ease.

Anxiety Free Spaces

Avail our sedation dentistry option to ease into the procedure without stress.

Anxiety Free Spaces

The very best dental care is only possible with the very best people. Our front desk, dental specialists, and support team ensures a treatment plan that’s personalised to each individual’s needs.

Technology for Comfort

Our digital dentistry workflow leverages ultramodern equipment to give you only the best results.

Aftercare Guidance

Our team will make sure to advise you on the aftercare so that you can make a quick recovery.

A kid waiting for the dental appointment at Rekha's dental care
A patient waiting for root canal treatment at Rekhas dental care, Sharjah
Dental Veeners for happy smile at Rekhas Dental Care
A Happy kid waiting for Peadiatric Dental clinic appointment at Rekhas dental Care
Rated 4.7 on Google

Frequently Asked

Veneers are made from the highest quality durable materials but just like your natural teeth, they can crack or break under pressure. With proper oral hygiene and routine dental check-ups, veneers can last anywhere from 10 to 15 years.

Taking care of your veneers is no different from looking after your natural teeth. You should have good oral hygiene and follow a healthy dental routine. This includes brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, flossing once daily, and visiting your dentist regularly. If you grind your teeth, your dentist may suggest a nightguard to avoid damage to your veneers.
In some veneer cases, contouring the gums will give a better cosmetic outcome. It is done to create symmetry and lengthen short teeth. Most gum contouring causes no additional discomfort during or after treatment. On rare occasions surgical contouring must be done if the teeth are very short. Patients are referred to a periodontist for this procedure.
You can eat most foods but each patient has a different bite. Therefore, we recommend eating softer foods the first few days until the patient gets used to the new bite position. After several weeks there is no limitation unless your case has specific needs. The most common foods to avoid are: ice, hard biscuits, candy, caramel apples, hard nuts, and popcorn.
Patient happy with Root Canal treatment done at Rekhas dental care

Your Hollywood Smile, a Call Away.

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