

What is the TMJ ?

The Temporomandibular joint or TMJ is a unique pair of joints that is located on either side of the jaw and helps to hinge the lower jaw to the rest of the face and head by its presence as a ball & socket connection to the skull.

Symptoms of TMJ Disorder

Jaw pain or difficulty while chewing

Difficulty in opening the mouth

Painful jaw locking


Severe tootache upon chewing


Sensitivity to hot or cold foods

Painful jaw locking

Ear ache or Ringing in the ear (tinnitus)

Ear ache or Ringing in the ear (tinnitus)

Clicking, popping, or grating sounds

TMJ Treatment for Locked Jaw

If you’re experiencing tightness in Jaw movements you might have a temporomandibular joint issue if you feel constrained when opening your mouth. Your mouth won’t fully open or close when you have this sensation. Additionally, you can feel that your jaw is stuck when opening your mouth or hear a clicking sound. To accurately diagnose the problem and choose the best course of action for you, you should schedule an appointment with a dentist.

Importance of getting the TMJ checked on time

TMJ is not a significant condition that could harm your general health, but it does cause chronic pain, which you might want to stop experiencing. Your daily life may become uncomfortable as a result of the stress in your jaw muscles. If teeth grinding is the root of your TMJ problem, not treating it will reduce the quality of your sleep and may even cause sleep cycle disruption.

See the real Transformation!

Before and after picture of smile makeover done at Rekha's Dental Care

“I can laugh whole heartily after visiting Rekha's”

Leyong Wang

Teeth Whitening treatment at Rekhas will make you smile brighter

“Thanks to Rekha’s for making my smile brighter”

Jelena Priluckaja

Before and after picture of smile makeover done at Rekha's Dental Care

“Amazing Transformation”

Mohammed Amen


Comments from happy customers.

Frequently Asked

A detailed history from the patient regarding other co-existing illnesses, long-term medication (for unrelated medical issues), personal habits and emotional status are key to the management of these conditions. Apart from this, relevant radiographic evaluation tools such as basic Panoramic x-ray, CBCT, MRI and Ultrasound are all helpful in reaching an accurate diagnosis.
Assessment of the muscles around the jaw and the areas surrounding and adjoining is a critical part of the diagnosis and management of TMDs.

Unless at a very advanced stage, when degenerative changes have set in and the TMJ is afflicted with concomitant generalised arthritis, surgery is not necessary. A majority of TMD patients can be successfully managed as out-patients in the dental clinic.

Treat TMJ the
Right Way

Do not wait till the pain worsens. Get help for TMJ trauma today.